Beauty Fashion Guide

Unusual places that could use some highlighter

Makeup isn’t just a tool that can be used to enhance your beauty; it is something that you can also choose to play around with. There’s no limit to creativity when it comes to makeup, you can be yourself and create looks that you personally like. While you can always play around with fun products, when it comes to basics like the right way to blend your base or conceal, you should play it safe. Having said that, a highlighter is one of the best products a girl could have in her makeup kit, just a hint of shimmer here and there instantly changes the entire look and makes you look like a glowing goddess.

Since most highlighters tend to be either metallic, sheer, or skin-toned, they don’t cause any disruption in your makeup look. This simply suggests that you can apply your highlighter wherever you like, there are no rules and hence no chance of committing a makeup faux pas. A highlighter is not just for your face, you can use it to highlight other parts of your body as well. Wondering what those places are? Continue to scroll below.


The base of your neck

If you don’t want to apply a highlighter to your décolletage or simply don’t like highlighting this area, then you can use your highlighter to highlight the base of your neck. You can apply a little amount of highlighter to the base of your neck, and if you want, you can also apply it to the top of your chest. This highlighting effect gives a vacay vibe and looks especially great in pictures.

The outside of your shoulders

If you are someone who likes to wear off-the-shoulder tops and dresses in summer, you just found yourself another place to put your highlighter on. Other than your décolletage, you can also apply a highlighter to the outside of your shoulders. This will not only help to give more definition to your shoulders but will also make them pop beautifully. Highlighted shoulder blades especially look great during a daytime soiree on a clear day.

Your side profile

This one is for those who like to take endless mirror selfies featuring the “good side” of their face. Apart from applying highlighter to the usual points of your face, you can also some product on your sides profile points such as the wing of your nose, the top right corner of your lips, etc. And don’t forget to apply your highlighter to the outer corner of your brow and your jawline. This highlighting trick will add such a beautiful glow to your face which looks even more gorgeous in pictures.

The top of ear folds

On days when you are planning to wear your hair up, which will bring your ear to attention, you can use this opportunity to dust some highlighter powder on the top of your ear folds. This is an amazing way to match your ear to the rest of your glowy face. You can use this highlight trick for occasions where you will be going all glam or there will be close-up shots.

The top of your eyebrows

While the forehead and the area beneath your brows are two common places to put your highlighter on, you can take your highlighter game up a notch and make things look more interesting by applying some highlighter above your eyebrows. Instead of applying your highlighter horizontally, you need to do it vertically by highlighting the area above your brows and extending it to your hairline. Do it on both sides of your brows to make your forehead look more defined and make sure to blend the product nicely for a more dispersed look.